the bagua

April 6, 2009

someone asked me today about the bagua, what it is and how it’s used. in feng shui the bagua shows how a space, be it a building or an individual room, can be divided into nine areas, each corresponding to a different part of life.

in all types of feng shui, be it form feng shui, compass feng shui or any other type of feng shui, the ultimate goal is to create a space with a balance of the five elements (water, earth, metal, fire, and wood), as well as a balance of yin and yang energy. there are some slight differences in the details of how the various types of feng shui are practiced, and they also share some very common ideas and practices.

in the bagua below (used in form feng shui) you can see that the entrance of a space will always be in one of the following areas, Wisdom and Self Knowledge, Career/Goals/Life Path, or in Travel/Mentors/Angels/Helpful People.

feng shui bagua example

feng shui bagua example

I would like to thank Monica Castaneda for the use of her bagua map on this page.